God waits for me

Dexie my dog is barking. A car has stopped outside.

Dexie jumps onto the sofa and looks out of the window. She barks loudly. She jumps off the sofa and runs to the door. It is shut! She runs round to the other door. It is shut too! She jumps back onto the sofa, still barking.

Someone has got out of the car and is coming to the front door. There is the sound of a key
in the door.

Dexie jumps off the sofa and sniffs under the door, squeaking. She is excited! Her tail
is wagging madly. Her whole body is wagging!

It is my nephew Jay at the door. He can hardly open it with Dexie in the way. At last he squeezes in. Dexie is so excited she bounces up at him! At last she drops down to the floor. She rolls onto her back for a belly rub. Jay is home!

Picture of Dexie, an excited dog with curly golden fur
Picture of Dexie by Gill Brazier

This reminds me that God is always waiting for us to come home, like Dexie.

Jesus told a story about a man whose son left home and got everything wrong. (Luke chapter 15 verses 11-32) Like this son, we may have given up or turned away from God. But God is always there. He is looking out for us. He is waiting for us to come home.

Here is what happened when the son in the story was on his way home.

He was still a long way from the house when his father saw him. He felt very sorry for his son and he ran towards him. Then he put his arms round his son and he kissed him.
(Luke chapter 15 verse 20, EASY)

When we start to make our way home to God, He will be waiting for us. He will be so pleased to see us. He will welcome us. He will forgive us. And He will always stay with us.

Gill Brazier, a dark haired woman in her 60s, playing guitar and singing

Gill Brazier spent many years tutoring children who needed extra help with English. These days she enjoys going for walks with Dexie, playing guitar in church and writing her blog at gillianbrazier.wordpress.com. She’s also Jo Acharya’s mum!

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