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It’s just weather
What can the changing weather teach us about the storms of life?
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Part the heavens and come down
David prayed that God would come down and deal with his enemies. He never imagined God’s answer.
Where’s your somewhere?
Do you have a favourite place to pray?
Favour in the Valley of Weeping: Bringing blessing out of suffering
How do our experiences of suffering enable us to bless others in their struggles?
He Made Us for This
1 Minute Reflection: You are crowned with glory and honour
Who Were Jesus’ Opponents in the Bible?
What’s the difference between a Pharisee and a Sadducee? And who were the teachers of the law? A simple guide to the Jewish groups in the Gospels.
The Shepherds and the Women
1 Minute Reflection: Who would you choose to announce world-changing news?
Mother (a Nativity poem)
A Christmas poem imagining what new motherhood was like for Mary.
God Stooped
1 Minute Reflection: How could our creator become a baby?
What Happened Between the Old Testament and the New Testament?
Why are there Romans in the New Testament? And who were the Samaritans? A simple guide to what happened between the Old and New Testaments.
Who We Are
Valley of Springs is the online home of Dan and Jo Acharya.
We write devotional blogs to help you grow in your faith and trust God in difficult times.
We also provide easy read Bible study and discipleship resources for Christians with learning difficulties, intellectual disabilities and special needs.
Jo is the author of ‘Refresh: a wellness devotional for the whole Christian life’ and ‘Living Well With God: easy read Bible lessons for people who find reading hard’.